Many activities cancelled

Activities                                                      Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens Center                        <back to "Home" page> 


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<Table Games: Dominoes, Regular, Mexican Train, Texas 42, Moon. Card game like 3-13, Skipbo, etc>><Yoga & Tai Chi>, > and Meals three times a week.

Other activities are held in abeyance until a permanent home is available. Below are the suspended activities:

Kitchen Activities (Food Preparation for fundraisers and Pot Luck Dinners, fixing snacks, classes in food prep, food safety, menus, etc)

Senior-Oriented Classes (Safety, Health, Exercise, Finance, Living)

Preventive health (immunizations, screening, etc.)

Crafts (quilting, painting, sculpting, carving, decorating, etc.)

Computers (email, e-books, using specific programs, browsing the Web)

Outside games (horseshoes, badminton, golf putting)

Exercise (aerobics, stationary bike, rowing machine, DVD-led Tai Chi, etc.)

Bingo (seniors only)- free (small prizes)

Bingo (fundraiser) - buy cards (larger prizes)

Your comments, suggestions, and leadership are critical to the success of our program. Please consider what you want your Center to do for you, what activities you can sponsor at the Center and call any officer of the Center.... <telephone numbers> are on the officers and leads page), Tell us and other members at our regular Monday meeting (and pot-luck supper) 5:00 pm at the Legion Building, or send an Email to the web guy ( 

Consider volunteering to set up and lead any senior activity that interests you. Let the officers know what you want to do.

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