Many activities are being planned at SPS building

Activities                                                      Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens Center                        <back to "Home" page> 

FUNDRAISERS:  There are no fundraisers scheduled at this time for the Stoney Point meeting place. We have decided that until we get the kitchen and meeting rooms ready to serve the crowds we expect, we will not schedule the regular fundraisers we had at the Legion Building. When the facility ios ready the information will be i9ncluded here and on the monthly schedule.

For Activities Current News, Click the Activity of Interest

<Table Games: Dominoes, Regular, Mexican Train, Texas 42, Moon. Card game like 3-13, Skipbo, etc. whatever the regular attending members want to do during the scheduled days. As members and workers are working at the building small groups of members can take advantage of the unlocked building to play games as they desire. 

Other activities are held in abeyance until the members have the Stoney Point building is ready to include them on the schedule. Below are the anticipated activities:

Kitchen Activities (Food Preparation for fundraisers and fixing snacks, classes in food prep, food safety, menus, etc) These activities will support the scheduled activities of Monday Potluck and Tuesday noon meals.

Senior-Oriented Classes (Safety, Health, Exercise, computers Finance, Living) Center Activity Leaders can schedule the classes which they support during the building prep period, as their activity areas are made ready to support.

Preventive health (immunizations, screening, etc.) will take place as scheduled.

Crafts (quilting, painting, sculpting, carving, leatherwork, decorating, etc.) Center Activity Leaders can schedule the classes which they support during the building prep period, as their activity areas are made ready to support.

Computers (email, e-books, using specific programs, browsing the Web) Center Activity Leaders can schedule the classes which they support during the building prep period, as their activity areas are made ready to support.

Outside games (horseshoes, badminton, golf putting) These activities depend upon members who are interested in participating create the playing fields.

Exercise (aerobics, Yoga, stationary bike, rowing machine, DVD-led Tai Chi, etc.) Center Activity Leaders can schedule the classes which they support during the building prep period, as their activity areas are made ready to support.

Bingo (seniors only)- free (small prizes) will be held in abeyance for the time being.

Bingo (fundraiser) - buy cards (larger prizes) will be held in abeyance for the time being.

Your comments, suggestions, and leadership are critical to the success of our program. Please consider what you want your Center to do for you, what activities you can sponsor at the Center and call any officer of the Center.... <telephone numbers> are on the officers and leads page), Tell us and other members at our regular Monday meeting (and pot-luck supper) 5:00 pm at the Legion Building, or send an Email to the web guy ( 

Any senior should consider volunteering to set up and lead any senior activity that interests them. Let the officers know what you want to do.

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