Getting Old When

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"You know you are getting old when you bend down to tie your shoe and look around to see if there is anything else you can do while you are down there." -- George Burns

......when the question you answer wasn't the question she asked

......when you ask, "Did you hear the one about the...." and they all say "Yes;".....

......when your teeth hurt even when they are in a glass on the nightstand.

......when reality TV is better with the television set turned off.

......when you are the only one who remembers "I have a lady in the balcony, Doctor!"

......when just sitting there is more fun than not just sitting there.

......when you are the only one at the class reunion who hasn't aged.

......when no music is as good as '50's music.

......when the recliner is more fun to ride than the new combine.

......when you can't remember why you really had a good time this morning.

......when you have a perfect entry for this page, but can't remember it when you maneuver your computer here.


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