Peanuts in Coke
Peanuts in a Coke, 1952 Return to <Poems and Stuff>
A little red-skinned peanut, suddenly
Was dropped as the first in the cold, cold coke
Followed by the whole tribe falling in the
Dark, dark froth, tempting anxious, thirsty folk.
We watched the bubbles coating each goober
Through the thick and dark absinthe-colored glass
Floating tasty orbs up the top tube for
Lips poised to salt-sweet crunchy joy to pass.
The first pleasing swallow chills and tickles
As it trickles down the willing gullet.
Such pleasure for a couple of nickels,
A nice trick, and anyone could pull it.
Some fools tried RC or pepsi instead
Of Coke to get the salivary thrill.
"We can get twice as much..." is what they said.
A glance told that their pleasure was not real
Nothing duplicates that titillation
We felt when Coke mixed with salty dried legume.
Then that blend of tastes for all creation,
Did set a goal for what we would consume.