Center By Laws
(proposed) BI-LAWS (awaiting center members approval)
(proposed) BI-LAWS (awaiting center members approval)
We, the members of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens, in order to more adequately meet the exigencies of the times, do hereby ordain, ratify, and establish these by-laws to carry out the purposes and functions set forth by this organization.
We, the members of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens, in order to more adequately meet the exigencies of the times, do hereby ordain, ratify, and establish these by-laws to carry out the purposes and functions set forth by this organization.
Section 1 Organization.
Section 1 Organization.
The members of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens, a non-profit organization organized by senior citizens of the northwest portion of Comanche County, as now established, is and shall continue to be a proper entity whose purpose is promoting a general well-being of the elderly of the area and providing services to that end.
The members of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens, a non-profit organization organized by senior citizens of the northwest portion of Comanche County, as now established, is and shall continue to be a proper entity whose purpose is promoting a general well-being of the elderly of the area and providing services to that end.
Section 2 Membership.
Section 2 Membership.
The membership of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens shall be those persons 60 years old and older who regularly participate in the ongoing activities of the organization. Members who meet these qualifications are members eligible to vote. Membership is open to every person meeting the age criteria without regard to race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, citizenship, place of origin, or physical or mental disability,
The membership of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens shall be those persons 60 years old and older who regularly participate in the ongoing activities of the organization. Members who meet these qualifications are members eligible to vote. Membership is open to every person meeting the age criteria without regard to race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, citizenship, place of origin, or physical or mental disability,
Section 3 Self-Government.
Section 3 Self-Government.
The Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens shall be governed by a board of directors. Each director will have been nominated by a member and will selected by the vote of a majority of the members who are present at the election meeting. The election meeting will be previously scheduled and announced as its purpose being the electing the officers of the board.
The Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens shall be governed by a board of directors. Each director will have been nominated by a member and will selected by the vote of a majority of the members who are present at the election meeting. The election meeting will be previously scheduled and announced as its purpose being the electing the officers of the board.
Section 4 Records.
Section 4 Records.
All records shall be for the use of the officers and will be available for inspection by the members of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens Center. Those records will be kept in the offices of the center at the Stoney Point School building. Records, or copies of records, shall be presented at that location, upon request.
All records shall be for the use of the officers and will be available for inspection by the members of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens Center. Those records will be kept in the offices of the center at the Stoney Point School building. Records, or copies of records, shall be presented at that location, upon request.
Section 5 Election of Officers.
Section 5 Election of Officers.
The members shall elect a governing board of seven (7) members, those being a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Comptroller, Public-Relations Officer, and Center Food Manager. Officers of the organization shall meet the criteria for membership in the organization. The election will be held during June of each year at a meeting of the membership especially called for that purpose. The meeting shall be announced on the web site, by email, and verbally at center functions at least 8 days prior to the general membership meeting. No quorum standards need be met.
The members shall elect a governing board of seven (7) members, those being a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Comptroller, Public-Relations Officer, and Center Food Manager. Officers of the organization shall meet the criteria for membership in the organization. The election will be held during June of each year at a meeting of the membership especially called for that purpose. The meeting shall be announced on the web site, by email, and verbally at center functions at least 8 days prior to the general membership meeting. No quorum standards need be met.
Section 6 President and Vice President.
Section 6 President and Vice President.
Duties of the President of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens are:
Duties of the President of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens are:
· to preside at regular meetings, events, and functions of the center;
· to call special meetings of the directors or of the members, giving adequate prior notice;
· to work with the Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Comptroller, and Center Food Manager overseeing all official activities, signing all official and legal documents, except as specifically delegated to another director.
· to administer the business of the center and that of the Stoney Point School building in a timely and responsible manner.
· to appoint, designate, and work with Activity Leads in fulfilling the roles, goals, and functions of the organization, and
· to ensure that the center complies with and satisfies the agreement between the center and the owners and managers of the Hilliary Communicatons Company, who own the Stoney Point School building, to occupy, maintain, and care for their building and its primacies.
· to preside at regular meetings, events, and functions of the center;
· to call special meetings of the directors or of the members, giving adequate prior notice;
· to work with the Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Comptroller, and Center Food Manager overseeing all official activities, signing all official and legal documents, except as specifically delegated to another director.
· to administer the business of the center and that of the Stoney Point School building in a timely and responsible manner.
· to appoint, designate, and work with Activity Leads in fulfilling the roles, goals, and functions of the organization, and
· to ensure that the center complies with and satisfies the agreement between the center and the owners and managers of the Hilliary Communicatons Company, who own the Stoney Point School building, to occupy, maintain, and care for their building and its primacies.
The Vice President will assist the President in all center functions, perform other duties that may be assigned by the president, and perform the duties of the President in her/his absence.
The Vice President will assist the President in all center functions, perform other duties that may be assigned by the president, and perform the duties of the President in her/his absence.
Section 7 Secretary.
Section 7 Secretary.
The Secretary shall keep a complete and accurate record of all business meetings, read the minutes of the previous meeting at those meetings, and maintain a current record of participating members. The secretary shall also be responsible, along with the public relations officer and activity leads, for correspondence with the members regarding events, activities, and center membership meetings.
The Secretary shall keep a complete and accurate record of all business meetings, read the minutes of the previous meeting at those meetings, and maintain a current record of participating members. The secretary shall also be responsible, along with the public relations officer and activity leads, for correspondence with the members regarding events, activities, and center membership meetings.
Section 8 Treasurer.
Section 8 Treasurer.
To interface with the Association of South-Central Oklahoma Governments (ASCOG) and complete the CENA Grant Application and Project Narrative to request annual food grants from that organization.
To receive and ensure deposit of all funds and donations and ensure payment of all just obligations;
To work with the Comptroller, while maintaining an accurate account and status of financial transactions;
To prepare and maintain center property records;
To present a financial report to the membership at regular meetings.
To ensure compliance with local, state, and federal tax laws, in coordination with the Comptroller, and advise the President on same.
To interface with the Association of South-Central Oklahoma Governments (ASCOG) and complete the CENA Grant Application and Project Narrative to request annual food grants from that organization.
To receive and ensure deposit of all funds and donations and ensure payment of all just obligations;
To work with the Comptroller, while maintaining an accurate account and status of financial transactions;
To prepare and maintain center property records;
To present a financial report to the membership at regular meetings.
To ensure compliance with local, state, and federal tax laws, in coordination with the Comptroller, and advise the President on same.
Section 9 Comptroller.
Section 9 Comptroller.
The Comptroller shall serve as auditor of the funds of the organization, advising and counseling the president and other officers regarding rules for tax exempt nonprofit organizations, keeping a running history of financial transactions, account balances, and funds receipt and spending history. The comptroller will advise the Treasurer and the President regarding federal and local tax regulations and requirements, satisfying those requirements for the Treasurer, when needed.
The Comptroller shall serve as auditor of the funds of the organization, advising and counseling the president and other officers regarding rules for tax exempt nonprofit organizations, keeping a running history of financial transactions, account balances, and funds receipt and spending history. The comptroller will advise the Treasurer and the President regarding federal and local tax regulations and requirements, satisfying those requirements for the Treasurer, when needed.
Section 10 Public Relations Officer
Section 10 Public Relations Officer
The Public Relations Officer shall be responsible for preparation of the monthly schedules and announcing special events and functions to the local newspapers, television and radio stations, and other media;
Maintaining an Internet web presence which includes information about all senior center news, events, calendars, and functions;
With the President, Secretary, and Center Food Manager, ensuring accuracy and timeliness of the Center scheduling calendar.
The Public Relations Officer shall be responsible for preparation of the monthly schedules and announcing special events and functions to the local newspapers, television and radio stations, and other media;
Maintaining an Internet web presence which includes information about all senior center news, events, calendars, and functions;
With the President, Secretary, and Center Food Manager, ensuring accuracy and timeliness of the Center scheduling calendar.
Section 11 Center Food Manager
Section 11 Center Food Manager
The Center Food Manger will plan, coordinate, arrange for, and oversee all food requirements for senior events, functions, and fundraisers for the center;
Will purchase or oversee the purchase of foodstuff and associated material for the kitchen;
Will provide receipts of all purchases to the Treasurer for accounting, CENA grant reimbursement, and records keeping.
The Center Food Manger will plan, coordinate, arrange for, and oversee all food requirements for senior events, functions, and fundraisers for the center;
Will purchase or oversee the purchase of foodstuff and associated material for the kitchen;
Will provide receipts of all purchases to the Treasurer for accounting, CENA grant reimbursement, and records keeping.
Section 12 Term of Office.
Section 12 Term of Office.
The term of each officer shall be for a period of one (1) year with any incumbent being eligible for re-election with no limit to the number of terms.
The term of each officer shall be for a period of one (1) year with any incumbent being eligible for re-election with no limit to the number of terms.
Section 13 Filling of Vacancies.
Section 13 Filling of Vacancies.
The Governing Board, by majority vote of its remaining officers, shall fill vacancies that occur in the board. The selected incoming officer shall complete the unexpired term of the departing incumbent.
The Governing Board, by majority vote of its remaining officers, shall fill vacancies that occur in the board. The selected incoming officer shall complete the unexpired term of the departing incumbent.
Section 14 Powers and Responsibilities.
Section 14 Powers and Responsibilities.
Except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, all powers of the governing board, including the determination of all matters of policy, shall be vested in the board. Without limitations of the foregoing, the board may:
· Recommend, plan, conduct, and administer programs of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens to provide fellowship and promote a general well-being for the elderly.
· Approve all expenditure of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens funds. No more than three board members shall have signature authority for the center bank account. Checks shall be issued only under the auspices of the President or the Treasurer. Any credit or debit card issued to the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens shall be under the direct control of the President, the Treasurer, or the Center Food Manager at all times. Use of the credit or debit card number for telephone or Internet purchases shall only occur with the direct and previous approval of the President, Treasurer, or Center Food Manager.
· Advise and consider comments and recommendations from the membership on all matters relating to the plans and activities of the Center and all facilities of the Stoney Point School building.
· Establish and appoint committees to assist the board in the discharge of its responsibilities. Such committees will consist of at least three (3) members with a chairperson designated.
· Approve each Activity Lead, the Center activity involved with that lead, any resources required by the activity lead for the conduct of the activity, and the schedule requested by the activity lead for the activity.
· Take all actions necessary to comply with the building-use agreement between the center and the Management of Hilliary Communications Company for the use and maintenance of the building and grounds of Sunny Point School property.
· Carry out and enforce the by-laws of this organization.
· Plan for, obtain, appropriate, and expend funds of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens where needed, approved, and warranted.
Except as otherwise provided in these by-laws, all powers of the governing board, including the determination of all matters of policy, shall be vested in the board. Without limitations of the foregoing, the board may:
· Recommend, plan, conduct, and administer programs of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens to provide fellowship and promote a general well-being for the elderly.
· Approve all expenditure of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens funds. No more than three board members shall have signature authority for the center bank account. Checks shall be issued only under the auspices of the President or the Treasurer. Any credit or debit card issued to the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens shall be under the direct control of the President, the Treasurer, or the Center Food Manager at all times. Use of the credit or debit card number for telephone or Internet purchases shall only occur with the direct and previous approval of the President, Treasurer, or Center Food Manager.
· Advise and consider comments and recommendations from the membership on all matters relating to the plans and activities of the Center and all facilities of the Stoney Point School building.
· Establish and appoint committees to assist the board in the discharge of its responsibilities. Such committees will consist of at least three (3) members with a chairperson designated.
· Approve each Activity Lead, the Center activity involved with that lead, any resources required by the activity lead for the conduct of the activity, and the schedule requested by the activity lead for the activity.
· Take all actions necessary to comply with the building-use agreement between the center and the Management of Hilliary Communications Company for the use and maintenance of the building and grounds of Sunny Point School property.
· Carry out and enforce the by-laws of this organization.
· Plan for, obtain, appropriate, and expend funds of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens where needed, approved, and warranted.
Section 15 Meetings.
Section 15 Meetings.
There shall be a center business meeting open to any and all center members at least once a quarter, at which time there shall be a reading and approval of the minutes and financial reports and reports of committees and designated activity leads. A special meeting of the membership may be called by the president or a majority of the board members to occur after notification to the membership. The board may determine its own rules of order and procedures in conducting meetings. Business may be introduced by any member at which time the member will state concisely the nature of the business. Except for emergency meetings, notice of all board meetings will be properly posted on the web site of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens. Members will be informed in advance of such meetings. When possible, meetings will be included on the monthly center calendar. Matters needing immediate attention and decision may require telephonic meetings of officers. In such cases, the officer initiating the meeting shall provide a written record to the Secretary of the requirement, consideration, and result of the meeting at the conclusion of the meeting.
There shall be a center business meeting open to any and all center members at least once a quarter, at which time there shall be a reading and approval of the minutes and financial reports and reports of committees and designated activity leads. A special meeting of the membership may be called by the president or a majority of the board members to occur after notification to the membership. The board may determine its own rules of order and procedures in conducting meetings. Business may be introduced by any member at which time the member will state concisely the nature of the business. Except for emergency meetings, notice of all board meetings will be properly posted on the web site of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens. Members will be informed in advance of such meetings. When possible, meetings will be included on the monthly center calendar. Matters needing immediate attention and decision may require telephonic meetings of officers. In such cases, the officer initiating the meeting shall provide a written record to the Secretary of the requirement, consideration, and result of the meeting at the conclusion of the meeting.
Section 16 Suspension and disbarment from Attendance.
Section 16 Suspension and disbarment from Attendance.
The governing Board may, for just cause (i.e. disturbances, excessive and abusive use of language, etc.) indefinitely suspend or bar any member from participating or attending any or all activities of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens. No disciplinary action shall become effective until the member has an opportunity to address the Board regarding the incident. The Governing Board shall then issue a written notice of indefinite suspension or disbarment, the effective date thereof, and reasons or grounds for such action to the member, with a copy provided to the Secretary for record-keeping. The disciplinary measure shall then become effective immediately. No disciplinary action shall be warranted or taken by the Governing Board against a member because of membership in any political, religious, or fraternal organization.
The governing Board may, for just cause (i.e. disturbances, excessive and abusive use of language, etc.) indefinitely suspend or bar any member from participating or attending any or all activities of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens. No disciplinary action shall become effective until the member has an opportunity to address the Board regarding the incident. The Governing Board shall then issue a written notice of indefinite suspension or disbarment, the effective date thereof, and reasons or grounds for such action to the member, with a copy provided to the Secretary for record-keeping. The disciplinary measure shall then become effective immediately. No disciplinary action shall be warranted or taken by the Governing Board against a member because of membership in any political, religious, or fraternal organization.
This revision of these Bi-Laws is being offered for review of the membership and will be offered for approval by vote at the general membership at the next scheduled meeting
This revision of these Bi-Laws is being offered for review of the membership and will be offered for approval by vote at the general membership at the next scheduled meeting