Public Use of
Stoney Point Center

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The Stoney Point School has been made available to the senior center, and we have moved from Medicine Park to what we are calling Stoney Point Center. The progress on that move can be found on other pages on this site and on the Wichita Mountains Seniors group on Facebook. 

Other than the renewal of special senior citizen-oriented activities, the only general public activity is the Community Lending Library. It is up and running at this time. In the near future, we anticipate that the ballroom and certain other facilities will be available for use for weddings, wedding receptions, family reunions, and any other gathering that would be appropriate to the general public 

Some of our Senior Citizens activities also welcome other individuals. Yoga classes, as well as Tai Chi when it becomes available will welcome anyone wanting to participate. 

The Stoney Point Center also will soon welcome its new house band, Coyote Moon, who will play for a community dance each Friday night.

Two things influence the Wichita Mountains Area Seniors to encourage the public use the Stoney Point Building. The lease agreement calls the building a community center and the public shall have access to and use Stoney Point Center on a basis decided by the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens Center. Secondly, the cost of operating the building during seniors' use is considerable. A source of income, in addition member and user donations and special fundraiser activities, is necessary. To satisfy both requirements, The public is welcome to use and enjoy the benefits of having a great facility like the Old Stoney Point Center. The agreement intends that the seniors organization can charge individuals, groups, and organizations a standard rate from a fee schedule for use of the building.

Use of Stoney Point Center does NOT include the old playground, the open field east of the building, or the gymnasium. Anyone who wants to inquire about using Stoney Point Center, the ballroom or other facilities can get information about availability and conditions by calling:

Tom Spears, Public Relations Officer, Cell: 580-574-1942

Joyce Laastad, Food Service Manager, Cell: 903-331-8577

General Information:

Currently the established fee for public use of the ballroom in the Old Stoney Point School Building is the lesser of $75.00 per hour or $450.00 per day. The scheduled time for which the fee applies includes any period used for decoration, preparation, setup, and cleanup. If setup and decorating on a day prior to the event or breakdown and cleaning takes place on a day after the event, the fee amount could be greater. (The amount of the additional fee depends upon the amount of time required on the additional day(s) for setup/decorating and cleanup).

Cost for using the the ballroom for less than a full day (less than seven hours) is $50.00 per hour. The hourly rate also applies to any setup and cleanup time as well as the duration of the event. The same hourly rate applies to prior-day setup time and post-day cleanup time when those activities do not occur on the day of the event.

Sample Agreement and Contract: <View>

No alcohol can be brought into or consumed in the Old Stoney Point School Building or on the grounds of the building. This prohibition is based upon the WMASC Association liability insurance. The center's insurance agency has stated that if the user of the Legion Building is planning an event in which alcoholic beverages are traditionally consumed (like wine and champagne at a wedding reception), the users may be granted an exception to the "no-alcohol" rule. The exception will be in writing and included in the building-use agreement signed by the person requesting use of the building. In such a case, the building user must show proof of the purchase a one-time "Event Insurance" policy, with the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizens Association and Center named on the policy as "additionally insured," for the period of the building use. The proof of "Event Insurance" will become a part of the use-agreement at the time of signing the agreement. The using person, organization, or group agrees to take full responsibility for the actions of individuals at the event. "Event Insurance" may cost between $200.00 and $400.00, depending on the event and the ensurer.