Activities and Location

Schedules                                                                                            Return to <Home>

This page provides the schedule for the activities of the Wichita Mountains Area Senior Citizen Center. These activities are being held at the new home of the center, the Stoney Point Center (the old Stoney Point School at the intersection of Meers-Porter Hill Road and Stoney Point Road, see the map below). The schedules reflect all of the activities currently available at the center. The date at the bottom of the schedule on this page shows the latest version. 

Two calendar pages are available for selection below.

Posted on February 6 < February 2025>

Posted on February 8  < March 2025>

As an activity lead, you may add your activity to the current or future calendar months, either as a single event or a recurring activity, by emailing information, calling Tom Spears (580-574-1942), or giving a written request to one of the officers of the center. The activity will be listed on the appropriate calendar.

Guidance about establishing a new activity at the center and becoming a lead for that activity, can be obtained by discussing your ideas with any officer of the center.